
We did our best in the work assigned to us.
And that is the property of our experience.

(주)천신지퍼를 방문해 주신 귀하께 진심으로 감사드립니다.


Please feel free to contact to us (ys_seo@cskzipper.com) for more information.

2020 ISPO Munich ( JAN 26 ~ 29, 2020)

우리는 2020 ISPO MUNICH 에 참석합니다. Booth # : C1 , 451Contact : Yuseung Seo ( ys_seo@cskzipper.com ) / Bohuyn Cho...

Bluesign 인증 획득

CSK acquired the Bluesign certificate

2019 Outdoor by ISPO Munich

CSK attends 2019 OutDoor by ISPO Booth # : B4 , 348 Date : JUNE 30 – JULY 3 , 2019 Contact : Yuseung Seo (...

GRS 인증 획득

우리 CSK가 GRS인증을 획득하였습니다. GRS 프로그램에 대해 궁금한 점이 있으면 언제든지 문의하십시오.